This blog emphasizes a holistic view of reality!
I've read an outstanding number of books ( for someone my age) that shape my outlook.
I have re purposed this blog to address the growing number of COLLEGE Drop Outs who find themselves lost and confused. I have already found myself in this horrific situation and long to tell people how I live. I was and still am angry about the lack of stories, support and resources for this group of students. WE ARE HUGE and by many accounts we are hurting. I have combed through as much of the Internet as possible, and still cannot find a comprehensive blog that goes beyond mere information on re-entering college (or even afew diploma mills).
At One point I wanted to name this Blog, ThougtsOFARandomCollegeDROPOUT,
but I have re-entered school, and want to move past the "drop out" phase of my life into something new. I am simply a student ( who happens to be a drop out). Maybe that describes you as well?
SO here it is!! I hope this blog keeps you up at night and makes you feel so much better than I did when there were no guides, most of what I learned was incorrect, and the most important system in my life seemed largely broken and hollow. I will find stories, information, personal anecdotes and inspiration where ever I can. Although aimed at students, ANYONE can read and participate.
I am currently covering students who have:
dropped out
Have transfered schools
re-entered college ( after dropping out)
Going to four year or 2 year schools
Studying trades
Doing alternatives to College ( like a gap year, travel ,Volunteer work, etc).
Or anyone who has a story.
IN all honesty, I just wanna feel less alone out here....
If you want to contribute, please do!! All I ask is that you are a college drop out ( or have extensive experience with college drop outs - perhaps as a family member, educator, etc ).
I'm starting out on my own to figure this out. Join me!
Meranda Fallen