Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Have A Vision for Yourself!

Do you have a vision for yourself? What is it? Do you feel it every day? Do you imagine it in your head? How you learn to manage your expectations and still keep focused is a skill. Vision is so important for college and beyond, especially for us "re-entrants" ( perhaps this will be the new term for us). We know what we would have done, if we could do it over. But its OVER. I want to encourage you, whatever you do , bring vision and confidence into your actions. Despite fear and rejection, think of the future and push, push, push. How can you combine your changing interests into a coherent plan? Who have you talked to that can help? Do you stay in contact with them? Hope so... Proud Of You All, Meranda Fallen. Also, I am looking to rename the blog soon....what do ya'll like? "Dropping Back in: A resource for Academic Re-Entrants" ( Very formal,but gets to the point). "Dropping Back in: A place to go after a brush with college" ( haha , get it , brush with danger). "Dropping Back in: A healing place after an academic dismissal" ( Sound folksy? You betcha, but this really is a place to re-motivate and heal. It is also abit comical. I don't think non-drop outs would get why we need to heal.) I love the dynamics of "Dropping Back In" (suggested by Vu* of because that's pretty much what we do. We drop out and then find ourselves back in college or some other educational institution. Yours Truly has been back in college twice, so it fits . *Ironically, Vu is an "A" student who just finished his CPA ( Certified Public Accountant ) exam.....go figure! Congrats Vu! He has a nice blog and can speak French, so go look at it!!! =D