I've wasted my time, wishing I could go back. BACK to the days when I was younger and life was simpler. I realize now, life is simple if you want it to be. I live with my parents, who just moved from a bad apartment to a delapitated house. The rent was high, but a crappy house must have been better I guess. I now live out of a few suit cases, most of my stuff is packed away in boxes and in storage. It made me ask myself:
"what do I really need to live"?
Case in point:
This is the first time I have ever lived without a washing machine. Afew days ago, I had to wash shirts, underwear and socks by hand or go to school another day feeling "ikky" and risk offending my classmates.
My mind raced to this right here
I thought about the books I read on living "off the grid". But more than anything, I realized I COULD live on my own if I REALLY wanted to. Here I am, existing with 1/6the stuff I used to have ( and it wasn't alot either). I'm doing okay. I am more angry over having little control of my life than what my life has become. BUT I'M DOING OKAY! I have no washing machine, little privacy, little space but I AM DOING OKAY! I feel, if I had to do it on my own, I could. NOW I KNOW. If I needed to live in a room with afew suitcases of things and some amenities, I COULD DO IT AND BE OKAY!!!
Have you made the leap from mooching off parents to paying your own bills? If so, how did you do it?
Fun Stuff:
Head on over to Quarter LIFE Crisis,let the kids over there know how you're doing.
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