Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's more than a job....on being a professional

Hello All!

A post by UCLA associate professor Philip E. Agre on how to be a professional. I was drawn to this after thinking about careers I might pursue after getting my bachelors degree. He was into " the 'net" before it became "the internet". There are other things to look at too (scroll half way down).
How to Be a Leader in Your Field: A Guide for Students in Professional Schools

Here is a wonderful e-book by Dr. Dario Toncich.
"Studying and Learning in the Australian University System"

You can read his bio Here .

I highly recommend chapter 11 on professional life, come to think of it, chapter 8 is golden for those of us who found college NOT to be what we wished. Seems college is more or less the same no matter were you go.

My Part Time Obsession:
Daria Episodes on MTV
College Bored

Daria - I should explain this. Social Satire, series ended some time in the early 2000's. So maybe you don't remember it. Watch Anyway. It was ahead of its time and STILL relevant today. You will like it, covers all the fantasies we had before we realized what college was!

Meranda F


Cara said...

Excellent read!!

Jennrose2020 said...

I just started watching Daria again on Netflix and enjoy it more now than I did in high school, I think because I can actually appreciate the satire having lived the "real world" for a while. College Bored is a great episode.