Saturday, November 27, 2010

Creating the Life I want...Providing for it.

The life I want is completely different from the life I lead.

At times, I worry, once I can afford the life I want, will I be too old to enjoy it?

Will my friends have moved on? Will they get married? Will my youth pass me by, and I enter adulthood right when I'm ready to be a kid? I mean a big kid. I mean a kid with no concerns beyond bills to be paid and work to be done. Will anyone I know be there to enjoy it with me? Will I have to make brand new friends? Will I ever find the kind of intimacy reserved for long time friends who grow up together?

It never really occurred to me until now ( I mean, within the last few years) that I am not like others. My life is different, and I guess I am a part of a new "Mainstream". The kids who stayed home on weekends, who didn't go outside when it was dark, Who didn't do sleep overs, go to the beach or enjoy the company of family and friends.

In a way, isolated.

But things get so much better when I focus. I read a wonderful post on
Quarter Life Crisis from another young person in my boat. Then I'm not so mad, sad, angry,depressed anymore. I feel more hopeful.

Life is NOT so bad,
Meranda F

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