Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Liberal Artsy Anyone

I am currently a business major.

I am considering a health science ( pharmacy) after business.

I used to be an anthropology major

Later switched to speech pathologist.

I once considered Engineering.

Wonder if I would have been happier with a Liberal Art/ math (or Science) double major.

There were so many different paths I could have taken. If I could do it over again, I think I would have stayed with my Anthropology major but added a mathematical/statistics major as well. Then continued my education to the graduate level. This is what I tell anyone who wants to major in a liberal art. Pair it with something and plan on graduate school. Get ALOT of experience early. Know what you want and always keep your ears on the ground.

For some reason, a four year degree is a small stepping stone. Most majors do not lead directly to jobs. Competition is fierce. Its not just getting good grades and being a good citizen. If you are not among the best students in your department, It can be argued you are worse off for staying in college. Not that college is a bad decision, but the rewards may not pan out the way you expected.

If I had better guidance earlier on, maybe I would have graduated on time. Maybe I would be employed. Perhaps I could look back and smile when I think about college. Maybe I would have the life I imagined I would have. Maybe I would have long awaited independence. Perhaps I would feel a level of personal success at a young age. I'm tired of being a student. I want to eat , drink, fuck , laugh, dance and be with old friends. Is that TOO much to ask?

Speech pathology would have been a great field If If knew what I was getting myself into.
I decided against it because I am not competitive enough to get into graduate school ( necessary for the license needed to work). Anthropology would require a PH.D to pursue. Statistics would require about two years of foundation math classes. Pharmacy is the same thing, about two years of foundation science classes for a vague chance at going to pharmacy school. I am rethinking statistics.

The reality is that I may be in school alot longer in order to study something I enjoy. My goals are to find an affordable way to do that. I resent it, I am mad, but I am also okay with it IF I can be alittle more independent as well. I am trying to find ways to build on my skills ( start where you are strong) instead of starting over. So my advisor recommends accounting or finance. I question both....wish I had someone to explain my options to me.

But who knows,
Meranda Fallen

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