Monday, August 16, 2010

Envy leads to a Do Over

She was a random friend I met. Foreign Language Class I was taking for self enrichment. Same Dorm . Good buddy. Studied hard.

I always manage to find people who are excellent students. Nerds gravitate towards me. Dunno why.

As I got to know her, I was impressed with her work ethic. She invited me to her dorm room to watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. As I entered her room, she was studying. When we would walk from class, she was reciting her speech for Public Speaking 101. She always seemed to score A's on tests. It seemed almost natural, until I saw it up close and personal.

I slowly put the pieces together. She was an honors student. At least two days a week she research that she called a "job", telling me " Its not busy work...more like original research". She was a member of an honor society, I found out as she would complain to me how she hated having to tutor as part of membership. She had a PAID internship- about 30,000 each summer, which I found out at dinner when a stranger decided to join us and flirt up the table. Not only that, but when "Woof" University sends a mass email telling us about tuition increases, she said she could care less, she was going for a scholarship that would cover the increase and then some. She got it.

Her gift is what made the most sense

Weeks before Christmas break, she tells me she has bought a computer for her family. The extra money came from a research grant she had received and if she didn't use all the money they would take it away. So why not buy a computer as a family gift? Did I tell you this girl isn't christian?


Not petty envious. Not " I can't stand her guts" envious. Just sad and confused. My family could really use a computer. My mom could really use a break from paying my tuition. I need a new cell phone and some money for my bank account.I am perpetually broke.

She inspired me, look at all I could get if I just studied more. A scholarship, research grants, honor society member ships...perhaps a paid internship if I changed my major to something I actually like and is useful.

Like many college drop outs, I want a "DO OVER". I want the chance to prove I can be among the best students, ever since I graduated High school. You probably do too. You probably know students just like the one I am describing, and they are inspiring. I want you to be more inspired than I am, and to make your own list of improvements to your education. Here is mine:

My list of improvement:
1. Attain a scholarhship - cut down on cost of college
2. Determine research interests - perhaps do original research
3. Secure a paid internship in field of interest - make money, feel like an adult
4. Learn to study well and pass exams - to gain all my goals
5. Join the "3.0 Society"- Raise my Cumulative GPA to a 3.0 and maintain higher for my major.

My friend recently graduated from college (in four years) and has great paying work at a major corporation. All that hard work paid off handsomely and I wish her the best in the future, as I do you!!

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